Simple Techniques for the Amazon Fire TV Stick Screenshot

April 8, 2023 0 Comments

Do you need to demonstrate the screen of your Amazon Fire TV Stick to someone? Sending a screenshot of the page is one way to accomplish that. Sadly, taking screenshots is not a default feature of the Fire Stick.

That doesn’t mean a screenshot can’t be taken though. You can take screenshots on your Fire TV Stick using two third-party methods, which we’ll outline below.

1.  Screenshot Your Amazon Fire TV Stick Using ADB

The Android Debug Bridge (ADB) tool can be used to take a screenshot of a Fire Stick on your computer if you don’t have an Android device or want to. You may issue several commands using this program, which links your PC to your Fire Stick.

You can take screenshots using one of these commands, and here is how you do it:

1, Write down the IP address by going to Settings > My Fire TV > About > Network.

2. Return to the previous screen, choose Developer Options, and turn on ADB Debugging

3. Download the free ADB platform utilities to your PC and extract them.

4. Open the ADB folder, hold down the Shift key while clicking the right mouse button on an empty area, and choose Open command window here. Alternatively, you can accomplish this by typing cmd into the address bar at the top.

5. Enter the command below,

replacing IP with the IP of your Fire Stick.: adb connect IP

6. Accept your Fire Stick’s prompt.

7.Use the following command to take a screenshot, and if you’d rather, replace image with a filename: adb shell screencap -p /sdcard/image.png 

8. To download the snapshot to your computer, enter the command below, substituting picture if you modified the filename previously: adb pull /sdcard/image.png

9. The Fire Stick screenshot should now be located inside your ADB folder.

Taking screenshots of Fire Stick without a built-in option

Regardless of whether Amazon ever makes it possible to natively take screenshots on the Fire Stick, you can use the aforementioned techniques to complete the task right away.

By jailbreaking your Fire Stick, you can increase its possibilities even more. This enables you to add a lot more functionality than what it now has.

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